The #1 Sign You Are Drinking "Too Much"
The #1 Sign You Are Drinking "Too Much"
May 30, 2022

How much drinking is too much drinking?

By Ferozan Mast

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The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have led to heavy drinking for many Americans, but at what point does that behavior become dangerous? "Stories about underage drinking, blacking out, and harmful behavior associated with alcohol use are quite common in many families around the world," says Marcelo Campos, MD. "The rise of the opioid epidemic in the US has rightly caught our attention, but overshadowed a much more common problem. In the United States, from 2006 to 2010 alcohol-associated deaths accounted for 88,000 deaths annually, or almost 10% of all US deaths." Here are five concerning signs you may be drinking too here to continue reading

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