Opinion: The Opioid Crisis + COVID-19 = The Perfect Storm
Opinion: The Opioid Crisis + COVID-19 = The Perfect Storm
November 12, 2020

By Robert CastanOriginal Source: thefix.com

How can the addiction treatment community continue to assist people who are now being left even more isolated and desperate?

Addiction - a chronic relapsing brain disorder, and a disease that gets deeply personal. It gets low-down and dirty, too.If you’re not an addict yourself, you surely know someone who is.You know someone abusing their opioid prescriptions, not because it’s a barrier to their pain, but because it’s a potent way to make them feel happier. You know someone whose alcohol consumption is dangerously high and verging on alcoholic - if they’re not already there, of course. Your kids will certainly...click here to continue reading

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